Everyone needs a goal. Everyone. It gives you something to strive towards. And once you achieve your goal, your life is improved somehow - happier, healthier, more balanced. Without goals, you are just going through the motions of life. Goals don't always have to be elaborate - they can range from tiny to extravagant. It all depends on where you are in life and your personal appetite for effort and change.
Why am I talking about goal setting during the last quarter of the year? Because true, quality goal setting takes time. For a goal to be successful, it must follow this formula:
Write it Down + Develop Action Plans + Share it = Success!
With a little over two months in the year, you have plenty of time to develop exactly what you want to accomplish next year. When January 1st rolls around, you will be way ahead of the game and you can kick-off your 2016 goals immediately. Your momentum will become unstoppable.
Here is a step-by-step guide to achieving your goals:
Step 1:
Write down some general goals. Remember, they don't have to be huge goals! Sometimes a goal is to just keep doing what you've been doing! So think about it - what do you need to do next year to become happier? Healthier? More Balanced?
Correspond more with loved ones
Criticize / Complain Less
Do Morning Stretches
Perform Weekly Meal Planning
Lose Weight
Read Newspaper / Headlines
Start a Blog
Step 2:
Now, get REAL with yourself. Ask yourself these question for each goal.
- How many years has this been a goal of mine? Why haven't I accomplished it in the past? What makes this year any different?
- Are you really willing to put forth the effort required to accomplish this goal? Do you realize that you must change? This will potentially mean becoming more vulnerable, waking up earlier, giving up your favorite foods, etc.
I am not trying to discourage anyone from attempting goals, but we need to be realistic with ourselves. I hear people all the time say they wished they could lose weight or wished they could save more money or wished they could become more organized. But rarely do I see people actually making the necessary changes to achieve these goals. If you aren't ready to make changes, then spend 2016 trying to figure out why you aren't ready to let go and improve your life.
Still with me?
Great!! On to the next step.
Step 3:
Create an action plan for each goal. This should establish exactly how you are going to accomplish the goal.
Goal: Lose Weight
- Explain to significant other the importance of this goal and describe the exact support needed
- Throw out all junk food / soda
- Get portion controlled containers for meals
- Prepare lunches the night before
- Share goal with co-workers - offer walking as a means to catch-up rather than lunches or drinks
- Walk / ride bike each evening after dinner
By listing out these action items, I now have a plan to implement in order to help achieve my goal.
Step 4:
This step is really important!! Find an authentic friend who is willing to talk about your goals and progress with you. Share your written goals with this friend. Ideally, this friend should also share their goals with you. Having both people with skin in the game will increase accountability. Be open and honest with this person. Be vulnerable about your goals. Ask them to help keep you on track. Do the same for them. If you/they begin to lose traction, ask them questions to help understand the loss of focus. Schedule weekly touch points with this person and make sure you never miss a meeting. If you don't have someone to help you stay on track, email me. But be warned, I will follow up with you!!!
Now for the pep talk.
NOBODY on earth is going to accomplish your goals for you. I know this is a hard pill to swallow for some, but seriously, it isn't going to happen. How do you expect to lose weight if you don't change anything? How do you expect to get a better job if you aren't looking for one? How do you expect to achieve more happiness and balance without a lot of effort?
YOU control your life.
YOU control your happiness.
YOU can and will accomplish your goals.
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