
Get Happier

It is okay to want more.

Over the last few years, I've had conversations with a lot of different people (honest, open, and most importantly, authentic people) who have all, at one point or another, had a similar question of life… "Is this all?"

A ton of people who aren't living authentic lives will immediately judge the person for making this bold statement. These people are living by the motto of "fake it until you feel it" or "I regret nothing" or "my child never did…." or "my spouse and I never…" No matter what they tell you, this is not reality. People are not instant successes. People have regrets. Children aren't perfect. And couples hit roadblocks.

What happens when you surround yourself with people who are constantly living and propagating fake lives is that you begin to feel bad about the reality of your situation. You start feeling "wrong" for wanting to get more out of life. You begin compromising your happiness to attempt to fit in with the "pretending to be fabulous" crowd. You never move your true happiness forward. And you begin to think you are the failure in the scenario. But trust me, you aren't.

You are the exception.

You aren't declaring that your life sucks. You are just simply stating that you are striving to get the MOST that life has to offer. You are bold. You are daring. And you are no longer satisfied with living a busy lifestyle with lots of things, instead you want to live a fulfilled lifestyle. This might mean a different house, different job, living in a different part of the world. It could also mean getting healthy, giving up on a relationship, or working to deepen a relationship. It could mean pretty much anything. 

Don't be afraid to want more. Don't be afraid to tell others that you want more. Because once you decide to strive for more, then positive things will begin to happen in your life.


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