Essential Oils

I really LOVE essential oils and I personally use them daily! My child uses them. My husband uses them. My parents use them.  I use Young Living oils due to their excellent quality. They own the entire process - from "seed to seal." This means that they have total control over the quality of their oils. I think its cool that they even use their oils as a natural herbicide within their fields. 

This page will be dedicated to essential oil information, recipes, crafts, tips, etc. If you are interested in buying oils, getting started is super EASY! You can purchase Young Living therapeutic-grade essential oils by either signing up as a Retail Customer or a Wholesale Member.  Here's the difference:

Retail Customers
  • No minimal purchase.
  • No ongoing commitment.
  • Pay full price on essential oils.

Wholesale Members
  • Must purchase the premium starter kit ($160). This will get you 10 essential oils and a diffuser. An amazing deal!!
  • 24% discount off every product offered.
  • Must purchase at least $50 per year to maintain the discount (not hard to accomplish once you fall in love with the oils).
  • Potential commission.

Personally, the wholesale membership is absolutely the best deal. To start on your essential oil journey, just click on the link! My member number will automatically populate for you, so all you have to do is select your membership type. Please email me with any questions.

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